Click Here to view our Strategic Plan Presentation to the General Assembly

“The Next 100 Years”

Dear fellow parishioners,

We want to update you on an exciting journey our community is planning to embark upon. It is with great enthusiasm that I share with you the work of the initial steering committee that came together early in 2021 to begin a plan for “the next 100 years” of our parish.

Holy Scripture teaches us: Where there is no vision, the people will perish (Proverbs 29:18). It is in this spirit that we present to you a new and exciting vision for what we lovingly call “the Mother Church” which will inform and guide our Church in bearing fruit in the world despite facing many challenges.

This vision is the result of the cooperation and diligent work of a dedicated small group of men and women who have been giving of their time and energy in the recent months to meet monthly and to put together a process and plan to address the needs facing our Church.

These meetings and gathering have resulted in the presentation to our community at the General Assembly (click link here for that presentation) and an initial fundraiser to gather early funding to secure a master plan for renovations and capital improvements that could be possible for the Church and the structures attached.

We are happy to report that we have successfully contracted with Tina Ughrin, who has taken several Greek Orthodox parishes through a strategic process and we are adopting the Metropolis of San Francisco’s approach. We will soon be sending everyone a survey to complete (there will be Greek and English versions) , holding focused interviews and small group sessions with key ministry leaders and individuals in the community, hosting a parish retreat, and creating task forces to help us identify our areas of focus and goals to determine our values, mission, and vision.

Our shared work is just beginning, and the only thing missing is you. You also are a vital part of our vision, and we personally invite you to become engaged in our efforts. Consider getting involved by familiarizing yourself with the Strategic Planning process, identifying areas of interest, and prayerfully discern how God is calling you to make a difference.

Help us cultivate a Church that exists to receive and share unconditional love, mercy, healing, and peace so that life has greater meaning and purpose for all people.

We truly look forward to sharing this journey of faith with you. If you have interest in joining our efforts, please contact Julie Tsirambidis 216-276-0530. Specifically, we are looking for anyone with special talent in PR/Marketing/Graphic Design and Fundraising. Thank you. We plan to provide monthly updates going forward via the weekly bulletin, our Facebook page, and through our parish website.


Julie Tsirambidis, Chair, Strategic Planning Committee

Click on the links below:

Click here to view the Strategic Plan Presentation to the General Assembly

Workstreams and Committees for Annunciation Cle Next Steps for 2023 Power Point